First Semester 2024, Sri Mulyani Withdraws New Debt of IDR 214.69 Trillion

First Semester 2024, Sri Mulyani Withdraws New Debt of IDR 214.69 Trillion

Jakarta – Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani noted that the government attracted new debt of IDR 214.69 trillion in the first semester of 2024. This figure increased by 29 percent on an annual basis (yoy) from the first semester of 2023 worth Rp 166.5 trillion.

Sri Mulyani said the realization of debt financing was still far from the 2024 target. In which, the government has only attracted debt as much as 33.1 percent of the budget ceiling set at IDR 648.1 trillion.
“Debt financing in the first semester of 2024 was Rp 214.69 trillion or 33.13 percent of the ceiling,” quoted in the June 2024 edition of the KiTa State Budget book, Tuesday, July 30, 2024.

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In detail, the debt withdrawal came from Government Securities (Net) IDR 206.18 trillion or 30.9 percent of the state budget. This figure is higher than last year’s realization of IDR157.9 trillion.

Then, the realization of debt originating from loans (net) reached Rp8.51 trillion, lower than last year’s realization of Rp8.6 trillion. The loans (net) came from domestic loans (net) Rp1.87 trillion and foreign loans (net) Rp6.65 trillion.

The government also made withdrawals of foreign loans (gross) of IDR 49.81 trillion and payments of principal installments of foreign loans of IDR 43.16 trillion.

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Furthermore, investment financing was recorded at IDR 47.84 trillion, which was channeled for investment to SOEs IDR 28.16 trillion and investment to BLU reached IDR 15 trillion. Then, investment in organizations/international financial institutions/international business entities was Rp1.98 trillion, investment revenues were Rp3.31 trillion, and government investment was Rp6 trillion.

In addition, the government provided loans of Rp744.35 billion and realized other budget financing of Rp402.04 billion from the proceeds of asset management. In total, the realization of budget financing until the first semester of 2024 reached Rp167.99 trillion or 32.13 percent of the ceiling. (*)
Editor: Galih Pratama

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