KB Bukopin Bank Reshuffles the BoC and BoD, Here’s the Complete Lineup

KB Bukopin Bank Reshuffles the BoC and BoD, Here’s the Complete Lineup

Jakarta – PT Bank KB Bukopin Tbk (BBKP) held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) and agreed to change the composition of the company’s management in the ranks of Commissioners and Directors.

The EGMS agreed on the appointment of Seng Hyup Shin as Deputy President Commissioner and appointed Im Jang Hyuk as Director of Bank KB Bukopin.

President Director of Bank KB Bukopin, Tom (Woo Yeul) Lee stated that the change in the composition of the Company’s management is a form of shareholder commitment to encourage the growth of the company’s performance amid the various challenges of the growing banking industry.

“This change will provide a new spirit to deliver Bank KB Bukopin to become a trusted and beloved bank by customers and the people of Indonesia,” he said as quoted from his official statement, Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

In addition, Tom added that the refreshment carried out by the company will further strengthen harmonization and collaboration and is expected to be able to accelerate various business targets of Bank KB Bukopin.

“The new commissioners and directors will be able to strengthen KB Bukopin bank’s business in the future, as well as carry out supervisory functions, and recommendations for the company’s progress,” said Tom.

Furthermore, changes to the composition of the company’s management will be effective after obtaining approval from the Financial Services Authority, which involves a Fit and Proper Test, and fulfills all applicable laws and regulations.

The following is the composition of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of KB Bukopin bank, based on the EGMS:

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: Jerry Marmen
Vice President Commissioner: Seng Hyup Shin
Commissioner: Nanang Supriyatno
Independent Commissioner: Tippy Joesoef
Independent Commissioner: Hae Wang Lee
Independent Commissioner: Stephen Liestyo
Independent Commissioner: Sukriansyah S. Latief
Independent Commissioner: Eugene K. Galbraith
Board of Directors

President Director: Woo Yeul Lee
Vice President Director: Robby Mondong
Director: Helmi Fahrudin
Director: Dodi Widjajanto
Director: Yohanes Suhardi
Director: Henry Sawali
Director: Young Eun Moon*
Director: Jung Ho Han Director: Im Jang Hyuk*

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