OJK Prepares Cyber Security Guidelines for Crypto Assets

OJK Prepares Cyber Security Guidelines for Crypto Assets

Jakarta – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is preparing rules related to cyber security guidelines in crypto asset trading after its supervision was officially transferred from the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti).

The Executive Head of the Financial Sector Technology Innovation Supervisor, Digital Financial Assets, and Crypto Assets (IAKD) of OJK, Hasan Fawzi, said that the cyber security guidelines will be issued in June or July 2025.

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“So later all the norms of how we ensure resilience and prevention of cyber threats, which ultimately lead to our ability to anticipate all cyber threats and attacks so as to create cyber resilience in our industry, we will ensure through this,” Hasan told the media in Jakarta, Monday, February 3, 2025.

Collaboration with the British Embassy

Hasan explained that the formulation of cybersecurity guidelines will be supported by the British Embassy (Embassy) which collaborates with experts from London.

In the near future, OJK will hold a focus group discussion (FGD) with SROs, traders, and trade organizers through associations.

“Now in that corridor, at the end we hope that the cyber security guideline will be published again, which will be at least a guideline that must be followed, guided, agreed to be part of this industry consensus in a joint effort to increase cyber resilience in the national crypto asset ecosystem,” he added.

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The cyber security guideline specifically for crypto assets is a derivative of the cyber security guideline previously prepared for ITSK organizers in general through the Financial Sector Technology Innovation Roadmap, Digital Financial Assets, and Crypto Assets (IAKD) 2024-2028.

Previous Regulation: POJK 27/2024

For information, OJK has also previously issued OJK Regulation (POJK) Number 27 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of Digital Financial Asset Trading, including crypto assets, before the transition of crypto asset supervision from Bappebti.

POJK 27/2024 is a follow-up to the mandate of Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning Financial Sector Development and Strengthening (P2SK Law). Through POJK 27/2024, OJK regulates and supervises the implementation of Financial Sector Technology Innovation (ITSK) and digital financial assets, including crypto assets. (*)

Editor: Yulian Saputra

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